Showing posts with label とto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label とto. Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2016

How to write 貴(き ki) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み ki き
KUNYOMI 訓読み tattoi たっと(い)
toutoi とうと(い)
RADICAL 部首 shell 貝
MEANING 意味 1.precious


貴族(きぞく kizoku) the nobility, the aristocracy
貴社(きしゃ kisha) your company

Sunday, July 10, 2016

How to write 解(かい kai) - Japanese calligraphy

Japanese to English, kanji translation

ONYOMI 音読み kai かい
KUNYOMI 訓読み toku と(く)
RADICAL 部首 horn 角
MEANING 意味 1.solution, untie


解答(かいとう kaitou) answer, solution
解体(かいたい kaitai) disorganization, take apart
謎解き(なぞとき nazotoki) solution of a riddle

Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to write 嫁(か ka) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み ka か
KUNYOMI 訓読み totsugu とつ(ぐ)
2.yome よめ
RADICAL 部首 woman 女
MEANING 意味 1.marry


嫁入り(よめいり yome-iri) wedding
嫁ぎ先(とつぎさき totsugisaki) the family into which a woman has married

Sunday, May 22, 2016

How to write 遠(えん en) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み en えん
KUNYOMI 訓読み to-oi とお(い)
RADICAL 部首 walk 辵(辶)
MEANING 意味 1.distant, far


永遠(えいえん eien) eternity
遠海(えんかい enkai) open sea