Showing posts with label 禾grain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 禾grain. Show all posts

Sunday, July 31, 2016

How to write 穫(かく kaku) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み kaku かく
KUNYOMI 訓読み karu か(る)
RADICAL 部首 grain 禾
MEANING 意味 1.harvest


収穫(しゅうかく shu-kaku) picking, harvest

Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to write 稼(か ka) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み ka か
KUNYOMI 訓読み kasegu かせ(ぐ)
RADICAL 部首 grain 禾
MEANING 意味 earn


お金を稼ぐ(おかねをかせぐ okane-wo-kasegu) earn money
稼動(かどう kadou) work; operation

Monday, June 20, 2016

How to write 科(か ka) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み ka か
KUNYOMI 訓読み shina しな
RADICAL 部首 grain 禾
MEANING 意味 1.section


科学(かがく kagaku) science
内科(ないか naika) the internal department

Sunday, June 12, 2016

How to write 穏(おん on) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み on おん/td>
KUNYOMI 訓読み odayaka おだ(やか)
RADICAL 部首 grain 禾
MEANING 意味 1.calm


平穏(へいおん hei-on) calm
不穏(ふおん hu-on) menacing

Sunday, March 27, 2016

How to write 移(い i) - Japanese calligraphy

移動 move shift uturu
ONYOMI 音読み i い
KUNYOMI 訓読み uturu うつ(る)
RADICAL 部首 grain 禾
MEANING 意味 1.shift, change


移動(いどう idou) a movement
移行(いこう ikou) change over