Showing posts with label 角horn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 角horn. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2016

How to write 角(かく kaku) - Japanese calligraphy

Japanese to English, kanji translation

ONYOMI 音読み kaku かく
KUNYOMI 訓読み tsuno つの
RADICAL 部首 horn 角
MEANING 意味 1.angle


一角(いっかく ikkaku) a courner
角度(かくど kakudo) angle

Sunday, July 10, 2016

How to write 解(かい kai) - Japanese calligraphy

Japanese to English, kanji translation

ONYOMI 音読み kai かい
KUNYOMI 訓読み toku と(く)
RADICAL 部首 horn 角
MEANING 意味 1.solution, untie


解答(かいとう kaitou) answer, solution
解体(かいたい kaitai) disorganization, take apart
謎解き(なぞとき nazotoki) solution of a riddle