Showing posts with label よyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label よyo. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2016

How to write 宜(ぎ gi) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み gi ぎ
KUNYOMI 訓読み yoroshiiよろしい
RADICAL 部首 roof 宀
MEANING 意味 regards


便宜(べんぎ bengi) convenient
宜しくお願いします(よろしくおねがいします yoroshiku-onegai-shimasu) best regards

Sunday, October 2, 2016

How to write 喜(き ki) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み ki き
KUNYOMI 訓読み yorokobu よろこ(ぶ)
RADICAL 部首 mouth 口
MEANING 意味 1.pleasure


歓喜(かんき kanki) delight
喜怒哀楽(きどあいらく ki-do-ai--raku) emotions, delight, anger, sorrow and pleasure

How to write 寄(き ki) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み ki き
KUNYOMI 訓読み yoru よ(る)
yoseru よ(せる)
RADICAL 部首 roof 宀
MEANING 意味 1.contribute


寄付(きふ kihu) benefaction, contribution, donation
寄る辺(よるべ yorube) place to go, person to turn to or depend on

Sunday, August 28, 2016

How to write 歓(かん kan) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み kan かん
KUNYOMI 訓読み yorokobu よろ(こぶ)
RADICAL 部首 lack 欠
MEANING 意味 1.delight


歓喜(かんき kanki) delight
歓迎(かんげい kangei) reception, welcome
歓楽街(かんらくがい karakugai) amusement quarters

Sunday, August 21, 2016

How to write 喚(かん kan) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み kan かん
KUNYOMI 訓読み yobu よ(ぶ)
RADICAL 部首 roof 宀
MEANING 意味 1. call, summon


喚声(かんせい kansei) shout
召喚(しょうかん shoukan) call, summon

Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to write 嫁(か ka) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み ka か
KUNYOMI 訓読み totsugu とつ(ぐ)
2.yome よめ
RADICAL 部首 woman 女
MEANING 意味 1.marry


嫁入り(よめいり yome-iri) wedding
嫁ぎ先(とつぎさき totsugisaki) the family into which a woman has married

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How to write 佳(か ka) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み ka か
KUNYOMI 訓読み yoshi よし
RADICAL 部首 person 人
MEANING 意味 1.excellent


佳境(かきょう kakyou) climax
佳作(かさく kasaku) fine work

Thursday, June 2, 2016

How to write 横(おう ou) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み ou おう
KUNYOMI 訓読み yoko よこ
RADICAL 部首 tree 木
MEANING 意味 1.across, horizontal


横向き(よこむき yokomuki) lateral
横っ腹(よこっぱら yokoppara) the side

Sunday, May 22, 2016

How to write 汚(お o) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み en えん
KUNYOMI 訓読み kitanai きた(ない)
RADICAL 部首 water 水
MEANING 意味 1.dirty


汚染(おせん osen) pollution
汚職(おしょく oshoku) scandal, corruption

Sunday, April 24, 2016

How to write 詠(えい ei) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み ei えい
KUNYOMI 訓読み yomu よ(む)
RADICAL 部首 speech 言
MEANING 意味 1.sing, hum


詠唱(えいしょう eishou) ari, chanting
詠歌(えいか eika) poem

Sunday, April 10, 2016

How to write 因(いん in) - Japanese calligraphy

because 原因
ONYOMI 音読み in いん
KUNYOMI 訓読み yoru よ(る)
RADICAL 部首 enclosure 囗
MEANING 意味 1. cause
2.due to


原因(げんいん gen-in) cause
因縁(いんねん in-nen) fate
因果関係(いんがかんけい ingakankei) cause-effect relationship

Monday, March 21, 2016

How to write 依(い i) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

依 i dependence
ONYOMI 音読み i い
KUNYOMI 訓読み yoru よ(る)
RADICAL 部首 person 人
MEANING 意味 1.rely


依存(いぞん izon) dependance
~に依る(による niyoru) depend on -