Showing posts with label 卩seal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 卩seal. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2016

How to write 却(きゃく kyaku) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み kayku きゃく
KUNYOMI 訓読み kaette かえ(って)
RADICAL 部首 seal 卩
MEANING 意味 1.instead


忘却(ぼうきゃく boukyaku) forgetfulness
返却(へんきゃく henkyaku) return

Sunday, September 11, 2016

How to write 危(き ki) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み ki き
KUNYOMI 訓読み ayaui あやう(い)
abunai あぶ(ない)
RADICAL 部首 seal 卩
MEANING 意味 1.dangerous


危険(きけん kiken) a danger, a risk
危機(きき kiki) emergency, crisis
危機一髪(ききいっぱつ kiki-ippatsu) hang by a thread、hang by a hair

Sunday, August 14, 2016

How to write 巻(かん kan) - Japanese calligraphy

Three basic styles of writing kanji

ONYOMI 音読み kan かん
ken けん
KUNYOMI 訓読み kanmuri かんむり
RADICAL 部首 seal 卩
MEANING 意味 1.scroll, curl


竜巻(たつまき tatsumaki) whirlwind, tornado
圧巻(あっかん akkan) the best part, the highlight

Sunday, June 5, 2016

How to write 卸(おろし oroshi) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み sha しゃ
KUNYOMI 訓読み oroshi おろし
RADICAL 部首 seal 卩
MEANING 意味 1.lay down


棚卸(たなおろし tanaoroshi) stocktaking
卸売(おろしうり oroshi-uri) wholesale

Sunday, April 10, 2016

How to write 印(いん in) - Japanese calligraphy

印 mark
ONYOMI 音読み in いん
KUNYOMI 訓読み shirushi しるし
RADICAL 部首 seal 卩
MEANING 意味 1.sign


取引(とりひき torihiki) deal
引力(いんりょく inryoku) attracting force
引き金(ひきがね trigger) trigger