Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to write 謁(えつ etsu) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み etsu えつ
KUNYOMI 訓読み mamieru まみ(える)
RADICAL 部首 speech 言
MEANING 意味 1. visit


拝謁(はいえつ haietsu) audience
謁見(えっけん ekken) audience

Sunday, May 1, 2016

How to write 越(えつ etsu) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み etsu えつ
KUNYOMI 訓読み kosu こ(す)
RADICAL 部首 run 走
MEANING 意味 1. exceed


越冬(えっとう ettou) pass the winter

How to write 悦(えつ etsu) - Japanese calligraphy

ONYOMI 音読み etsu えつ
KUNYOMI 訓読み yorokobu よろこ(ぶ)
RADICAL 部首 heart 忄(心)
MEANING 意味 1. pleased, contented, gratified


悦楽(えつらく etsuraku) pleasure